Invest in transforming communities and impacting lives of underprivileged in India
Glorious Gospel Mission Charitable Trust Serving for the last 25 Years and has set itself apart to address the socio-economic needs of slum dwellers in Chennai, India.By providing trainings, networking opportunities, utilisation of local resources and development of social entrepreneurship, we address these needs. The needs include: supporting children and youth education, supporting livelihoods and relief works. By joining us, we hope to partner with you as you embark on your journey to achieving your philanthropic goals of making an impact in lives.

Why you need to Invest in this Community ?
But let’s be real for a moment. This facility will host our local church family, discipleship training program, House of Prayer, and will be an outreach hub Community Centre for the local community.We are believing God for revival in this Community. We believe and worship Jesus. The sick will be healed here. The lost will be saved. The presence and glory of God will rest among this community. God is on the move in among the slums of Chennai and we are very privileged to be a part of it.
A church that prays and raising believers and Followers of Jesus Christ
This is what our day at work looks like: Pastor George Muller and church start the day praying everyday for 2 hours from 5.30am, fervently worshipping and glorifying God.Through this Journey Prayer Leaders and Believers are very strong followers of Jesus Christ. Inspite of all the challenges they keep pressing on the calling and believing Gods promises and continuing His work for God's Glory.
We are the Church
We certainly believe that we people are the church, as a Body of Christ, Most of us houses are 20-30 sqm rented houses, Some of us are not so much educated so we work as daily labourers earning between 60$ and 90$ a month, Through our generous giving of our pastor and believers we were able to Buy a land for the church and able to construct the foundation but unfortunately we could not able to lay the roof. For the last 12 years, it challenges our believers and leaders in the community to have regular fellowship and other social activities. we have laid a good foundation for the Community Centre but no roof. Roofs which can provide shade from the sun and shelter from the torrential downpours in rainy season. mainly, we want our children to be educated and live and earn Good and continue to serve the Lord. We need a shelter to educate and support the poor and needy and helping a child who skipped meals because of poverty and a child who is unable to read and write because he or she has no access to literacy material and so on. In fact to be specific, our fellowship at Kolathur, Chennai, Before this we as church and Child Development Center worshiped in a grass thatched hut for 8 years and our missionaries could not accommodate the growing numbers in the fellowship. Enhancing their cognitive development will not only help them to see the light of the Gospel but also will prepare them to be effective in evangelising to their families.We long for the Presence of Jesus Christ to dwell and work among us. Reaching the Unreached through agape love of Jesus Christ through this land for generations will to come to know God.
Church in the Chennai slum serves as Community Resource Centre
Slums in Chennai is that even though you expect it to be a dark and scary place, there is always so much love and hope. This is only because of the influence of the Spirit and the followers of Jesus Christ who live and work there. These people are a part of a church that meets in a house, just like the church in Acts. It is a small church of about 80-100 people, We meet in small groups in homes to accomodate our church believers for worship and other social service activities. and also like the early church "the Lord adds to their number daily those who were being saved" (Acts 2:47).Right now our challenge is as we are having our church services in open terrace and sometime we gather in homes that are often not big enough to accommodate the crowds that come to hear the Word of God. Many folks end up sitting outside in the hot sun or even in the monsoon rains. Our Pastor Rev.S.George Muller and his family started construction on a building. The project had to be abandoned because the funds ran out. Once this building is finished, it would give them enough space to meet in, which would more than triple their space. To give you some perspective: where they meet now is about the size of a small bedroom, the new building will be bigger to accomodate our people and the children for church gathering as it also serves as Community Centre. I am so excited what is going to happen through this building and through this sweet group of people.
Bringing Hope and Changing lives
God placed in our hearts a vision to transform the community. Its purpose was and is to build a church and Community Centre where Child Development Program will happen every day in the evening and also Prayer fellowship at Kolathur in Chennai, India. We are appealing to you to partner with us in completing this course by donating your gift of any amount. Send your contributions through below link.
Chritstmas Gifts to Childrens
Sponsor a new dress for 1 Child - Rs 700
Sponsor a new dresses for 50 Children - Rs 35000


Founder - Glorious Gospel Mission Charitable Trust
Our Vision
Our vision at GGMCT is to see a network of strong, hope-filled communities, where adequate mental, physical, and spiritual needs are met. To further this vision, In 2010. GGMCT started to build church/community centers in Kolathur. The church/community center is a home for the community and church related activities and will be used for community events such as weddings, counseling, education and basic life skills and funerals and the proposed community center have a multipurpose hall, which also serves as a tuition center and a Balwadi (a children’s day care center), a Balwadi kitchen, an study room Library for the children, an Literacy Centre for the Adult, a women’s training room housing a few computers, a storage room and toilets and shower areas.
Community Resource Centre
Moreover the community center will also be an educational facility for teaching the following topics to people in the community: hygiene, primary health care, child protection, domestic violence, counseling, leadership, culture and etc.this community center building will be able to hold up to 250 people. Without the support of the community, children with special needs are at risk of being left behind. We have an opportunity to help make services for children with special needs more accessible than ever.

In obedience and calling to build and empower to serve people. Our Director Rev.S.George Muller started a Child Development Centre, and to purchase a land to build Community Resource Centre cum Church. In June of 2000, Our director sold out their own property land in Madurapakkam village and bought a land for Community Centre to start with in hut(Thatched roof) to setup the mission in chennai, He was hardly prepared for the sight of the sick people who came to him for help. There were people who were cast out of their home, having no place to stay, let alone earn a living; drug addicts, alcoholics and orphans kept in bondage by their masters, Ages sick people o the street especially women not cared for by their families and most of all, poor people o the streets. Rev.S.George Muller himself being from educated background, seeing the plight of these people looking up to him for help was moved with pity, to do something for them. With grit and determination he set about this task.
Material Support or Work Support and Any Financial Support Needed to construct the Roof.

Glorious Gospel Mission Charitable Trust
Roofs which can provide shade from the sun and shelter from the torrential downpours in rainy season.
Your Generous givings are used to build the first phase to finish the roof of Community Resource Centre cum Church, that can better serve the 125 church believer and their impoverished children who are currently in need of Education Support and Spiritual Support through Child Development Program. To provide specially designed, equipped and maintained facilities for special needs children to receive physical and occupational therapy in Kolathur. To assist children and their families to access rehabilitation and education therapy through programs in physical and occupational therapy, infant development and family support services. Right Now In order to meet the challenge, Our Director Rev.S.George Muller must raise 12000 US $ to put the roof to this center and continue the construction work, As the building foundation had laid with pillar raised that had been persistent albeit unsuccessful in last 12 year attempt to continue to complete the building, for almost for the past 12 years, we are facing challenge to accomodate child and youth development programmed other social cultural activities.
Any Support is Welcome!
To build the new centre we are relying on the generosity of individuals, companies or service groups for major gifts and larger donations. For all your donation you will get Tax exempted Under 80G of the Income Tax 1961,For more information on Giving Levels and Naming Rights opportunities, or to arrange a time to meet with us about giving a Major Gift, contact our Project Director Rev.S.George Muller, Mobile No : +91 9840547478 or Email us at
Write us
Glorious Gospel Mission Charitable Trust
Since 1998, Glorious Gospel Mission Charitable Trust (registered under Trust RegistrationAct, 1975 and GGMCT registered as trust vide no: 774/1998, FCRA No : 075900975) has engaged in Cultural Educational Social and Community service activities in India.
Need to detailed Info about this Project? Want to understand to get involve
Foreign Contributions:
Address: No 28C, New No 51, Kolathur, Chennai 600099.
Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) Current Account No : 40220922006
STATE BANK OF INDIA, FCRA Cell, 4th Floor, State Bank Of India, New Delhi Main Branch, 11, SansadMarg, New Delhi 110001
Indian Contributions:
Account No : 602501136918
ICICI Bank Ltd, Mumbai (India) Purasaiwakkam Branch.

Child Sponsorship - 10$ per Child Monthly Support.
Join us to restart Child Development Program that will provides educational support to more than 100 children every year .Children are given cash assistance, uniforms, footwear, school bags & stationery. Funds are locally raised from individual donors and corporates to support this endeavour.

Skill Training for Youth
GGMCT aims skills training for underprivileged youth aged from 18 –30 years, with the aim to prepare young people for job readiness. As Many Young Men and women are jobless they radically need to develop their skills to find a good paying Job.
- Employable skill training for rural and urban poor
- IT and soft skills training
- Spoken English
- Counseling & Career guidance
- Livelihood opportunities

Women Empowerment
GGMCT empowers women by creating awareness on social issues and encourages them to participate in social interventions that uphold the dignity of all human beings and to demand their rights from local bodies, government officials and political leaders. The following are the interventions that are undertaken by GGMCT in both the urban and rural areas.
- Livelihood support - This gift is an invaluable resource for tribal communities.
- Counseling - Pre-Post Marital and Family Counseling
- Formation of Self help groups
- Income generation programme for rural and urban communities
- Health services and midday meal to the elderly people
We continue to be amazed by God showing up to walk with us as we work together to transform lives and our community and are encouraged to share our Annual Report with you, Expanding Our Reach. Type your Email Below to receive updates.